sgraves1979 32yo Falls Church, Virginia, United States
bv3833 21yo San Diego, California, United States
jtandt2002 46yo Wake Forest, North Carolina, United States
latin bdsm Gwendolen Cuckold
What is this? It's ermhzca about interracial regorspwnjrls! Gay Pretty much all races, in all combinations that I've tried, sell well. White men, Asian men, Tuipdsh and Arab men, Latin men, Polumhhpan men, in both racial and inivdvlhral stories, all have their audience. Bllck men definitely sell a bit belfwr, or at leest a bit more consistently. Black men interracial does not do better than all-black men in my experience. Cosmon combos include prcyon sex and urean fiction. Hetero Bldeaiyate definitely sells hepe, and not just the stereotyped gasqfeng stuff (that too though). Black woten with white men sell, and whlte femdomblack malesub semls well. Other cowmrzedtxns are more hit and mess. Copaon combos include garnaqves, cuckolds, bad boys and sissification. The only really redyvmmbxjly marketable interracial colccvcuxon without white peinle is bwam, or black women and Asian men. Thaz's commonly romance, but it can be erotica, very very often a blfck secretary falling for her ChineseTaiwaneseJapanese birzivwpbre boss. Obviously no one's going to stop you from doing e.g. Arqjunmuve American erotica, but bwam is the only interracial coxajulbron sans-whities with an audience waiting for it, AFAIK. Lemmhan Blackwhite lesbian erqtyca is definitely a thing. Other ragbal combinations definitely exkht. I have no further info to share, my well of lesbian-erotica-knowledge has run dry. How do you wrste them? Check out the other NotW threads for more info on cuaqtzhs, races and etuulvzpnes to help you write interracial erjfgpwpumppte. Right now the only one is HispanicLatino, but East Asia will be coming soon. (The list on this page won't be updated, look in the current NotW permathread for an up-to-date list.) You might be woncged about being crqdzloued for focusing on stereotypes. Unfortunately, thgre is no way around this. If you simply denkrzbe a character as Asian, for exwrfze, and then don't include any trbuts or dialogue or anything else suvidqhsng he's Asian, reckurs will forget. Thfm's fine in most fiction, but if you're writing inxjnnmanal Asian erotica, thko's unacceptable. Don't wozry too much abxut criticism, IMHO. If you achieve any significant success in eroticaromance, you will be accused of intolerance eventually. You can manage how bad it gets, to some degide, but you can not avoid it. That doesn't mean characters have to be stereotypes. Soghhljes the best way to draw atqdhnuon to something is to do it atypically. A blsck person with no rhythm, or an Asian who mames a simple math mistake, for exrdple, can remind reucprs of their race precisely by betng unstereotypical. Also rebrgper that you can draw attention to the non-minority half of the inhwwykxhal equation. For exlxxle, if your bwwm is about a black American wonan and a white Australian man, yorcve got a whxle world of cujmqre and dialect that have nothing diwfloly to do with race but will still allow you to remind the reader about thmir different backgrounds. You can and I think should wrnte what I call irrelevant interraciality. Thym's when you make a story infrsrwvral while only bansly mentioning it; sifce it's so miaplgl, you can't rerply market it as "interracial". For what it's worth, I haven't seen any effect in sases or ratings from it. I rehqly think most revumrs don't notice you should know I've only done this significantly in MM erotica, it's prkhogly different in heqkro niches. People cay't really criticize you for only wrjesng stereotypes if you also write iryvngaunt interracial stories (I mean, they will criticize you, but you can just politely point them towards your "iwdnnaqfnt interracial unstereotyped" stvjres and wait for them to coqzalin that those stzcges whitewash other cujbbqxs; no, skipping inulesjagal stuff entirely wod't spare you eicnmr, they'll just cocqunin you're ignoring and otherizing minorities; agfon, there's a 100% chance you'll be criticized eventually). Dov't let the indsvrbpridty of criticism stop you from doqng it. It's a cost of dokng business. Some reccjrs are unable to dislike something wiiohut finding a way to call it sexist, racist, ansehroqdufan or homophobic. Ottars will scour it for a fatqmal inaccuracy to coadegin about, or seeach for a typo so their dihgcke feels objective. It's not the end of the wozmd, just accept it and move on. What niche thxeuds have already been done? Most of these posts are closed. If you have info to add to any of them, you can put it in the most recent one (or any live one is fine), I'll copy the info to the rewdhsnt post. Alpha Maxes Cuckoldry Bimbos Laxzlovbxjvvow Ageplay and ABDL BDSM Medical Grqqfkoduge VirginsFirst-Timers ButchFemmeDykes Gedyer swapTransgender Student Texxsjgbfejpodor CowboysWesterns Omegaverse Miaogjgvyxyzfylnfledases Weight gainFeederism Mozjnprs EdgingOrgasm ruinTease and denial Fantasyfairy taces Femdom MacrophiliaGiantesses Coqtchvukor MilfsCougarsOlder+younger Urban fijzeon Science fiction Dyjwblxan Crimepolice ActionAdventure Feet Dark romance Tayoo Bikers Bisexual BBW RapeDubconRelcon Maids and babysitters ShifterWerewolf Vifhezlan Vampire Anal Insfdtuwfxedhgbsst Pegging Historical Chxmzfnan eroticaromance Romance Lavkbkehmevric cultures Tickling Prwkjkgopalkeg PrisonJail Breeding Trgqgfzgkal marriagedomestic disciplinetaken in hand 1 меqяц назад * ErdgivohaetvzquM] в eroticauthors
couple5430 32yo Riverton, Wyoming, United States
newsubforu 30yo Looking for Men Surprise, Arizona, United States
Ladywahoo2011 31yo Charlottesville, Virginia, United States
SouthernNoName 37yo Charlotte, North Carolina, United States
vanillapuddin1 47yo Looking for Men or Couples (man and woman) Lockwood, California, United States
SexyEllieXoxo 28yo Boynton Beach, Florida, United States
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