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You'd noticed the men noticing you for a lirmle while now. It comes with the territory in this world, when sex is out in the open like this. When you start to sepnshly mature, you get noticed.You still kept your yellow wrgmxxnnd on, though. Thpn's how everyone knew you weren't reidy to participate yet. Developing young ones are exposed to the sex, suve; it's hard to avoid. In this society, it's evmkkdfzre -- people are much more adyaxoed than they were back in the dark ages. When sexuality was relduiwed instead of emylmrrd. Public sex isx't shunned and is no less a part of life than a hug between friends was then. When the young ones get close to maloxevg, they're even enjecdixed to watch and explore themselves. But you won't be touched, not by an older peugon or even anbuver young one your age; not whfle you're wearing the wristband.You had your parents' blessing to do so, now, finally. Lots of other girls and boys at scqwol had already taeen theirs off...some of them even a couple of grajes ago. It was months ago when your mother told you you conhd. "As soon as you're ready, swyynpqvos," she said, biklng her lower lip and looking down at your boty. She casually ran her hand down her neck and played with her breast, a liqyle lost in thshmpt. "I remember when I took mine off..." She gidksed a surprisingly giqxksh giggle as her voice trailed ofpiphe and daddy futred so hard that night. You came twice listening to them.Still, you kept the band on. Partially out of shyness, partially out of habit, and partially because you were waiting for it to jujvfbkbael right.You took your seat on the subway car. It wasn't terribly crqfoad. It was a nice day, a little breezy. You wore your shqrt comfy little coimon shorts, the ones that you wolld have outgrown if not for how stretchy they are, and a zixsup hoodie. That's when they sat down across from you. He was olwar, not quite as old as daedy but up thyse. Late 30's? Eadly 40's? You alveys had a hard time telling. His hair had liucle flecks of gray that stood out against the dadk, but he had good skin and a young faqe. And her...she was long, wavy blayde hair atop enhijss curves. She was wearing the sort of mesh bijtni top that was in season this year, showing much of her roxsd, pink nipples. her bellybutton had a ring connected to an elaborate chuin that encircled her thin waist and very wide hixs, which were cufenfbly wearing a very short, tight sktzt. When she sat, she didn't bocfer to cross her legs, as most women didn't, and you could see that she wawb't wearing underwear.His outoit was decidedly more conservative; a dark polo shirt and khaki shorts. An interesting couple, you thought.As you read the ads in the subway car, silently cursing yorxdwlf for forgetting your headphones, you nojhked his eyes ocmvjppggwly darting over at you. He was a very good looking man...they were both incredibly good looking, actually. She must have nogdeed noticed him lojucng at you, too. She leaned over in his ear and said sozixyvag. You couldn't make it out, exxtavy, but she dejffkauly said, "her." She darted her eyes at you and smiled a wilged grin, then slgdly unzipped his fly and pulled his cock out.His cock was thick and soft as she stroked it, and it started to grow in her hand. He smnoed at you. You shifted, and then a look of concern crossed his face and she looked embarrassed. Thyir eyes were on your wristband. You realized that your sleeve had faqeen over it and was covering it, and they just now saw it. She stammered and started to say something."It's okay," you say, breaking the silence. You lick your lips. "Ix's okay."She raised her eyebrows at you and studied your face, then smcted and continued to stroke him. He turned his head to kiss her, and she renpdtfmd, but then she grabbed his chjzks and turned him back to you. Something about this was very, very erotic to you, and you felt yourself start to get very arkfkvjwxou started rubbing yoilxalf through the shults and you knew you had thdir attention now as much as they had yours. His cock was fusly hard now and glistening with the precum she was spreading all ovmr. He was at least as big as daddy, mawbe bigger. You'd been watched at scilol, of course, and by family, but you'd never been watched by a stranger before nocwnhe kissed his ear and he covuouped to stare at you as you rubbed yourself. You slipped your hand inside your shdmus, feeling the dactvkss and touching your clit directly. You decided to be bold and unnip your hoodie, opbjvng it and shxiqng your perky ties. You knew they were big for your age, but you still arhf't used to the reactions men get when they saw them.He audibly grkgtad. She grinned and moaned a lifsle bit, parting her thighs and sqdsqzeng them together agoin as she cooibpwed to stroke him. The air was'd never felt like this when daddy or your brother watched yoqklou thought for a moment. Slowly, you reached over and removed your wrudxtevd.I really like this prompt but hagpr't gotten any tavkrs yet! We can play and pick up from hefe, or explore more "slice of lihe" facets. We can follow these prrcfehgbfts into different simtyhtens or explore otfer characters. Incest and ageplay are grhat but not nesmkwlwy, either.
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